A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.

Prairielands Council Updates Archives for 2021-08

2021 Fall Camporee

Prairielands Council 2021 Fall Camp-o-ree
Oct. 15-17, 2021
Iroquois County Fairgrounds
Crescent City, Illinois

Join your Scouting friends for a fun-filled weekend of camping skills exhibition.  Each Scout is encouraged to develop their natural talents in a wide variety of outdoor abilities. Save the middle weekend of October.  Each Scout will enjoy building their skills to become proficient in something related to Scouting.   Make a plan to be there!

Troop events for the weekend will include various competitions     such as date saving and remembering dates on a calendar competition .  Every troop will need a performance for the spectacular and glorious Camp-o-ree Closing Campfire.  Save 10/15-17

All troops are invited to attend and enjoy the festivities and fellowship of the 2021 Fall Camp-o-ree.  Save the date for the fun on your troop calendar.

Please RSVP troop attendance to susan.coller@scouting.org by 10/6/21