Popcorn 2018

We have some outstanding tins for the fall sale:  St. Louis Cardinals World Series History & Chicago Bears.

Please use the link below to sign up for the fall sale:



The Abraham Lincoln Council is hosting an NYLT course on June 23-28, 2018.   Full information can be found at:



Candy Bars available

We have increased the profits to 40 cents per candy bar.  Units can take bars by the box(36 or 50 bars), instead of full case.

Sell a few more bars and pay for summer camp trips.


New Youth Protection Training due by October 1

The BSA has rolled out a new, more intensive YPT that all volunteers must complete by Oct 1.

Go to the and see unit resources at the bottom of the home page to take YPT2.

The training has several modules and each module must be completed before breaking.


Boundary Waters 2018

Troop 9 has a dozen spots with a $100 deposit paid for each that they cannot use this season.  If your Boy Scout Troop might be able to schedule a trip this year, contact Mike Clapper at 217-620-7881.  All participants must have canoe experience, be in average to good shape, and able to carry a minimum of 40 lbs. for a distance.  Each group is a maximum of 9 people per campsite.  North Country Canoe Outfitters (Ely, Minnesota) provides everything except personal gear.  Some units go to fish, and some want to canoe a certain number of miles.



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